Everyone has to face many problems every day. Solutions to these problems often feel so complicated and unattainable that we don’t see these problems as the fun challenges they are but as invincible demons. But what if you get the magical ability to solve all of your problems? Yes, you could get that power without using any magic. You need to develop these efficient cognitive skills to become a good problem solver.

To solve a problem we first need to understand what problem means:

“Problem means anything or situation that acts a barrier and needs to be dealt with to fulfill our goals.”

To become an effective problem solver, these are some skills that you need to incorporate into yourself:

  • Define your problem: First step to solve any problem should be defining what exactly your problem is. It should be properly assessed so that we know what needs to be solved.
  • Mindset: We need to believe that ‘this problem could be solved’ and have a positive approach towards it. If we don’t have this belief, then it’s highly unlikely for us to be able to solve that problem. Our brain will try to find possible solutions if we believe the problem to be solvable. But in the opposite scenario of negative approach, brain will try to provide us with excuses, so that, we can justify why this particular problem cannot be solved.
  • Creativity:  Creative thinking is one of the best problem solving approaches because it concentrates in providing fresh solutions which are unique and new. It helps in solving problems that are being faced for the first time and solutions of which are yet unknown.
  • Researching Skills:  It’s rare to experience a problem that has never been solved by anyone. Generally, there are always people who have faced the similar problems we are facing right now, so wouldn’t it be nice to learn from their experiences. This will require you to do some research.
  • Teamwork: You may think that problem solving could only be done in solitary environment only. But research says otherwise. Many big complex problems can be solved with cooperation and efficiency of a team which would not be possible to solve on your own. So, you need the skill to work in a team.
  • Emotional Intelligence:  Complex problems will require that you have full awareness of your emotions and have control on them. It will also help you in understanding emotions of other people as well. This skill will have a large impact on your ability to solve problems.
  • Risk Management:  Nothing is a sure solution until applied and this process of implementation will involve taking risks. The skill of risk management will guide you to take risks on a right time, and right place and in correct proportion. So that your risks are a strategic move rather than a gamble.
  •  Decision Making:  Even if you get the perfect solution to your problem it would be useless, if you won’t take the decision to act on it. In many scenarios you will be faced with many alternative choices and you will have to decide the most appropriate solution.
  • Lateral Thinking: Thinking out of the box, is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. You need to explore different perspectives for solving different kind of problems.
  • Communication: Right communication will help not only in solving problems but it also reduces the chance of any confusion or misunderstanding.
  • Practice: “Practice make the men perfect” is a truth which carries the same weight-age today which it did when it was discovered. If you practice problem solving more, chances are that you will become more efficient in it.

These were all some basic skills required for problem solving. Before concluding I want to leave you with this thought-provoking quote:

“It’s not what happens to us that determines our fate, it’s rather what we do with what happens that shapes our destiny.”



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