How to recognize silent cries for help?

In many cases people fail to recognize mental illness at correct time. They only become aware of it when it’s too late. When the damage is already done and there’s no way of saving the person past that stage. But what if you are able to recognize silent cries of seeking help at an earlierContinue reading “How to recognize silent cries for help?”


Everyone has to face many problems every day. Solutions to these problems often feel so complicated and unattainable that we don’t see these problems as the fun challenges they are but as invincible demons. But what if you get the magical ability to solve all of your problems? Yes, you could get that power withoutContinue reading “SKILLS YOU NEED TO SOLVE JUST ANY PROBLEM”

Downfall of Structuralism and Functionalism

It was 1879 in Leipzig University, Germany where Psychology was first officially born when Wilhelm Wundt established the first Psychology laboratory. During that century, many eminent people came forward with their different viewpoints trying to explain and determine the subject matter on which this fresh subject should focus and study. People with similar viewpoints createdContinue reading “Downfall of Structuralism and Functionalism”


“Psychology is describing things that everyone knows in language but no one really understands.” Raymond Cattell This is the first post on my new blog. This blog will be all about Psychology. Psychology is in each and every aspect of life. It has an important role in understanding how every organism thinks, acts and feels.Continue reading “INTRODUCTION”

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